Monday, November 14, 2005

Sights of Beijing...of China

pix1 taken by a talented young friend
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Pix2 taken by a talented young friend
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past, present, future...
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chew@my place
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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Taipei here I come...again

Honestly, Taipei or Taiwan was never high on my list of MUST visit places. But as they always say NEVER SAY NEVER. An ex was living in Taipei once upon a time and so I actually visited Taiwan a couple of times. On a Harley inspired Taiwan made motorbike, we cruised the isle down the East Coast, Taichung, Tainan, Hualian, Kaoshiung, Kenting, Taroko Gorge etc etc. I have to concede that the country does have its charms. Although I have always stressed that it’s the cities away, way way away from Taipei that are worth a recent trip proved me wrong. Quaint, European style scenery is but an hour away….

My postcard
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I could walk til the end of the world
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My kind of clouds
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Mountain Cafe
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How many stops are there in life?
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The route to nowhere perhaps
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The final destination?
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Have you taken a look at the sky lately? I look at it from time to time...That is how I stay connected with my inner thoughts...

Life is full of Wu Nai...and...
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More Wu Nai...
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Whats the meaning of life?
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IF only we could be told the right direction to go in life, the relationship to pursue,the man to trust. We would NOT have to go through all the pain.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Or here?
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Tis way please...
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Almost a Quarter...

Time flies indeed. I am into the fourth month of my posting. Nine more months to go. Nope, I am not counting down. I just want to have a better grasp of my life. I do not wish for it to slip away without me realising it. That would be too easy.

The last three months been incredibly eventful. No one day is similar than the other.

Honestly though, I have hardly explored Beijing. In fact, I can count the number of weekends I have spent in the city of the century. Five? Whilst the last few months didn’t just flew past moi, I was kept busy with lots of traveling. Let me see, I was in Dubai, Shenyang (thrice), Taipei, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Shanghai. Not to mention good old Singapore and if I were to count transit cities, well, I was in Hong Kong too.

July 18 was the magical date, the day I embarked on the 365 days worth of journey. Even before I could settle in, I was back in Singapore on my way to Dubai! Despite the incredibly hot weather (think OVEN HOT) and the “I will never ever live here” remarks aplenty full, I find Dubai a totally cool city. Its definitely THE city to be in for any self-respectful professional. Hmm…maybe not now but in the next five years? It’s the IT city definitely. What with the WORLD project, the PALM project, it’s definitely the city of the next century for moi. I had a cool time. Despite the heat. Why? Five days with my pals, Kersh, Alan, Gev, Mawar and many more. Need I say more?

It Got to be ALAN
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Seven People Seven Nations
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City on a Desert
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