Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sights and Sounds of Urumuqi, XinJiang

I have always wanna go to XinJiang. I knew that it would be the land of the Fatimas, the Alis ie the land of our Muslim friends. I have been surrounded by Muslims all my neighbours, friends, my own brother, my niece, nephew, my sister-in-law and her family etc etc. I always feel 'at home' amongst them. There's always this 'connection' that I don't think most of my Chinese Singaporean friends have; strange it may sound.

XinJiang did not disappoint me. Chewy Chew and I enjoyed the streets of Urumuqi so much that we hardly talked. We just walked, smiled to ourselves and totally soaked in the sights and sounds of the city. Occasionally, he gave me the, "Is this really China?" look. And I returned with a, "I know, I know." look. We felt we were in Turkey, Central Asia and at times Russia. We thoroughly enjoyed the city that we spent an afternoon just exploring and getting lost in the Bazaar and the streets surrounding it. We even enjoyed the XinJiang ice-cream at a Turkish looking side-cafe and watched what is to us, a very non-Chinese world, go by.

Tian Chi was just breathtaking. It reminds one so much of Swiss Alps. Yes, Swiss Alps. The kebabs, the snow, the sun, the Han Chinese and the XinJiang Chinese somehow managed to exist harmiously in this place. We were told one could ice-skate here during winter. That would be gorgeous. Imagine an ice-skating ring thats totally natural. Yes, you would be surrounded by Alphine peaks, snow-capped mountains here.

This place can't be China. :-)

Even the ever popular Chinese Must-have Bag carry a different design.
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How can this be in China?
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And this too
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Take a Break. Have a Slice of WaterMelon. Check out my sword guys...
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Its a mobile stall. U peddle what u have to sell
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'A sweet young girl selling sweet clothes' - Chewy Chew
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Yes, her 'stall' is right next to the road
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The Fatimahs and Alis are everywhere....reminds me of home. Not China
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Its ALL about the LAMB..the Kambeng...A..can make Kambeng soup :-)
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People, are you ready for some action?
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Ne ne ne ne ne ne ne....Qi Gong Xinjiang Style
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A...can play zero-point leh...:-) so fun
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Alamak got car. Stop Stop!
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Ready to sell FINALLY...
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Life is so simple here...
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Scale Scale Scale away....
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Huge, Juicy and I am sure Crunchy Tomatoes
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Homemade or Roadside-made Fruit Juice anyone?
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XinJiang Zhi Cha anyone?
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Their staple...the famous Naan...on a Oh so Malay, so Russian table cloth
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And more Naan
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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Me with my yummy ice-cream.
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...and chewy chew with his.
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On my way up to a gorgeous site
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Christmas came early in Xinjiang
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The beautiful Tian Chi
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Snow-capped Mountain just have the effect on me.
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

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...Giordiano...yr best choice.
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..Models taking a break...
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Its Salem Highlands...
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If only..
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...can be created...
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..this way.
Posted by Picasa day it will all end.
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I need to get this right...or I will be beheaded.
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...The model is no ordinary guy...
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Yi, Er, San. Smile.
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Presenting...the EMPEROR
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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Will things ever be normal again in SIN?

"Smile and walk away!"

"Be confident."

These were the words of advice from my 'script-ready' ex-TCS colleagues.

Truth is, I had butterflies in my stomach as the evening drew near.

The occasion? A networking session in which I could possibly meet up with HIM again. My heart had sunk right down into the deep blue sea when I saw the name list three days before the session.

I walked in confidently. I combed through each and every corner. I saw his colleague/flat-mate but not him. I was relieved. Or was there a sense of disappointment?

"Are you in touch with him?". I shook my head.

"Do you know he's married?". I nodded.

"Do you know we were seeing each other right under your nose?". I wanted to tell him.

"Do you know he tried to break up with her and she landed in hospital?". The words were stucked in my throat.

"Do you know why he got married in three months when he didn't and couldn't do so for 12 years?".

Nope, he wouldn't know as the words remained .... as butterflies in my stomach.

Oh almost forgot...was in Dalian with a drunk Chewy Chew
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My brother swore his daughter is a splitting image of his sister moi.
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My retro shoes on a retro carpet at Shanghai Musical Hall.
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What have I been up to? I have been 'busy' with JJ, Singapore's new tourism ambassador to Greater China.
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