Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Day was NEVER the same thereafter...

On Christmas Day 1996, a colleague/friend that I invited out for what was supposed to be a day of fun and laughter out in the sea, drowned right before my eyes. Almost. Somehow I knew that this was it...don't ask me how...but I knew we were going to lose him...and I looked away. I couldn't bear to see him go down. We lost him.

On each Christmas thereafter, I will buy him a bouquet of flowers and send it to him at the sea off Labrador Park. Thats the closest to the scene of the mishap and the closest I could get to him. I would take the opportunity to spend some quiet time with him. This is my way of remembering him. I tried to do that whenever I am in Singapore. The two times I did not do so, I had two minor mishaps. Was he trying to tell me something?

This year, I asked a friend to do so on my behalf. But really whenever I am, whenever I go, I would start Christmas Day remembering a dear friend. Initially I wonder if the rest of the people on that yacht that fateful day would remember him and do likewise and then I stop wondering. It didn't matter. I remember him. And I know he knows that.

Many questions were raised, most if not all were left unanswered. Such is the mystery of life.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

QiJiuBa (789) is a must visit place. Its filled with Art Galleries and Cool Cafes. I LOVE it. It reminds me of the PARIS i know.

Mysteries Of Life

Kar cha!!!!!
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One more for the camera..Ah!!!
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I was a child once more
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Chew and Fern enjoying their cuppa hot coffee
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A hole in the wall...i mean in the cafe
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Classic Cheena Ads that seem so chic in this cafe set-up
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Was Mao's ego as huge as this Mao's suit I wonder?
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Chest Out..Ar..I mean Bums UP.
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I LOVE European style cafes or cafes that make me feel I am in somebody's living room...I am glad I can find them in Beijing. I can spend hours there

My search starts here...
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THE Lane of Cafes
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My Zha Zha Cafe
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The view from where I spent my Saturday
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Strangers enjoying the warmth in a foreign land
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My bookshelf...
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My armchair...
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Nothing beats a cup of hot lavendar tea at minus six degree Beijing
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Thursday, December 08, 2005

What was I doing when I was 24?

A young friend asked me what I did when I was 24, her age now. If it was a quiz that requires an immediate answer, I would have lost the game. I was stumped for a minute, struggling to remember what seems like ages ago. And then it all came back. In a flash. Of course I remember what I did when I was 24. How can I forget?! Some of the best times of my life took place when I was 24.

I was partying lots and dating lots, of french men. I didn't plan them. It just happened. I was supposed to go to a movie preview of the then European Film Festival but ended up at the cocktail party at Fabrice (Bar None now) instead. There, I became firm friends with a really belle French girl. The rest as they say, is history. Viola, french girl introduced french boy. French boy dated Singapore girl. Then french girl introduced more french boys and Singapore girl went out with more french boys.

With my usual low-key approach, nobody knew much about it until one day when I stepped into the TV station and my ex-colleague Kiren exclaimed, "So, are you going to the house party with X, XX or XXX this Saturday?" !!! Apparently, all three left messages in our (I shared phone with Kiren) answering machine asking me to go to the same party! C'est incredible non?!

Well of course the men, the french men, the dates, the french dates are not the only reason for 24 being the best time of my life. I happened to be doing what I am (was) best at, TV production. So many years and a couple of jobs later, I have still yet to find a job that could give me the same satisfaction and sense of fulfilment. Nor a job that could evoke that much passion in me. I like to think it was more than just youth. I knew that when I took my last walk down Caldecott Hill. That I will never be able to find another job that I would be so passionate about. And I have been right so far.

And of course, some of the best friends I have made were from my TV days. Couped up in our production rooms, we have shared sleepless nights and stressful days eating instant noodles (or not eating), brainstorming for ideas, cursing over bad interviewees, crying over lack of stories, begging each other for extra airtime or to take some of our airtime (and I mean real airtime), mumbling to ourselves as we attempt to write the best script etc etc. Oh, and the hours spent at the music library hoping to find the best background music for that barely 5 sec shot. And the time spent in the editing room, praying the editors can do miracles to the badly taken shots once again. Sleeping at the dirty but cozy couch as we are tired out by the late nite filming and early morning editing. Sneaking out of the editing room to watch the film fest movies downtown. Eating lunch in the form of Malay snacks (we term it BOMB for its round shape) at 3 pm. Ah...I could go on and on.

Those were the BEST times of my life. I never realise it then. I do now. And it seems like yesterday once more.

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And we thought...
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...we are the only...
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...multi-ethnic country
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Saturday, December 03, 2005

Whats in my head...
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My thoughts in the past few weeks...

I have a pact with someone...we'll meet in Vancouver in our next… that someone is getting married in my hometown…probably at a place we are familiar with…till we meet again in canada.

Two special friends of mine slept with each other. The guy slept and told the whole world…almost.

Walked around the new office in trench coat complete with scarf, hood and mask. Made plenty of mistakes whilst typing as i have not mastered the art of typing wearing gloves.

My schedule is packed with duty travel…where is the window to explore good old Beijing? i only have seven more months to go.

Went to the launch of a bookclub at the cool bookworm café…and won a book just when I say to myself no.23 (the number drawn…my number). can I say what I want aloud and get it? does it work that way?

Found another fav place after café sambal…can’t wait to show it off. When are my friends visiting?

Miss saying SIAN, miss saying BLOODY SHIT, what the F*, who the F* does he think he is etc etc. the locals don’t seem to need to utter all that…not in Chinese, not in office and definitely not in English. Never felt more like a foreigner in alien land.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Its that heavy sometimes...
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What kind of Messages are we sending each day?

What happened to the days when people would make one hard decision and give the world one clear message with one mascot? Isn't this so telling of life in general...of relationships...of bosses' decisions at work? PooHAAHAHAHAHAHAA

The Olympics mascots...
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The Friendlies...
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...are in town!
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Home of Mao...
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My FIRST trip to the Outskirts of Beijing since my posting...was spent at Qing Dong Ling

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...i could...
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...dream once more...
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Picture within another
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...hear the sound of the flute...
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Journey to the past...
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Monday, November 14, 2005

Sights of Beijing...of China

pix1 taken by a talented young friend
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Pix2 taken by a talented young friend
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past, present, future...
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chew@my place
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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Taipei here I come...again

Honestly, Taipei or Taiwan was never high on my list of MUST visit places. But as they always say NEVER SAY NEVER. An ex was living in Taipei once upon a time and so I actually visited Taiwan a couple of times. On a Harley inspired Taiwan made motorbike, we cruised the isle down the East Coast, Taichung, Tainan, Hualian, Kaoshiung, Kenting, Taroko Gorge etc etc. I have to concede that the country does have its charms. Although I have always stressed that it’s the cities away, way way away from Taipei that are worth a recent trip proved me wrong. Quaint, European style scenery is but an hour away….

My postcard
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I could walk til the end of the world
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My kind of clouds
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Mountain Cafe
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How many stops are there in life?
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The route to nowhere perhaps
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