Saturday, June 24, 2006

I have been in bed for the last 48 hours...almost

U know u are sick when you feel okay to stay home over the weekend. U know u are sick when you feel okay to turn down appointments for dinner & drinks. U know u are sick when you have not showered for 48 hours and have absolutely no intention to do do...not because u don't want to but u are too weak to.

Work trips u have planned for weeks have to be cancelled. Lots of phone-calls to make to ensure everything falls in place, without you. And when thats settled, you wonder, hey, work ... and life can go on, with or without you.

So for those people out there who think they are THAT important, NOPE, you are NOT. Everyone is dispensable. Especially when it comes to work. And I think in friendship too. And in Love. There will always be special friends that you click with, that special love that you would die for but if they do leave you and you stay alive, you will find new friends, new love. They may differ, they may not be as 'suitable', as 'fitting' but human nature is such that, you would find new things, new experiences and new ways to enjoy the new friendship, new love.

Its all about forward-looking isn't?

Sunday, June 18, 2006

My First Trekking Trip in Beijing. And it was HOT HOT 35 degree C. But it was good to be out of the city.

Trekking anyone? Posted by Picasa

Ready for the trek...but not quite ready for the sun. haha. Posted by Picasa

Lush chestnut plantation everywhere. Posted by Picasa

Yasushi and Anleen taking a break..where's the kit kat? Posted by Picasa

Yasushi and I melted under the 35 degree sun Posted by Picasa

Sweetie Yellow Little Daisy Posted by Picasa

Maiir...Maiir... Posted by Picasa

A pool in the middle of nowhere. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 17, 2006

I ENJOY being a WOMAN in this city!

For the simple reason that I can make 'different' fashion statements each season! Oh! You can't imagine how I am enjoying this city of four seasons.

This is the season for ..... DRESSES! So many pretty frocks to choose from. I am spoilt for choices. And they come in all designs and styles here. A-line, baby doll, huge pretty floral print, sweety small floral print...u name it, they have it here.

And ... somehow this city 'allows' a woman to be one. It 'allows' women to display our feminity, be it through our dresses, our accessories, our mannerisms. A woman CAN be a woman here.

In Singapore, women dress like men, behave like men, speak like men. Its an a-sexual society. Beijing to me, is different. It embraces both menhood and womenhood.

I am a woman and enjoying it.

Its the Season for Dresses! Thank GOD I am a woman! Posted by Picasa

Can't wait to show off MY dresses :-) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I am back...but what drama...

The flight to Hangzhou was to be 2 hrs. Flight didn't leave till 3 hrs past the take-off time.

In Hangzhou airport, I had to put up with a taxi-driver who insisted on a certain price or no go at all. And guess what, I was given no chance to protest when he decided to pick yet another passenger five minutes after we left the airport. And mind you, it was late at nite.

And from Nanjing back to Beijing. Aha. I was at the airport at 2 pm. Flight was supposed to be at 3:30 pm and guess what? I was finally ushered onto the plane at 5 pm. Hurray. But guess what? We were herded out an hour and a half later! YES. Booted out of the plane!!! Back to the airport. Flight didn't take off till 8 pm. But turbulence was so so bad that the flight saw me tearing. I was scared shit. What the hell am I doing in China? What the hell am I doing up in the air?

But but was a good trip. I enjoyed the training I conducted. I have done it so many times I hardly prepared for this round and well, it turned out better than I have expected. My teaching course in Prague definitely helped. And I enjoyed my weekend shopping spree in Shanghai, screaming with the teens at JJ's concert and of course meeting good ole Cal again.

Don't sweat the big stuff.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I can't wait to be back...

Quote Chewy Chew, "I miss Beijing, my second home."

I am leaving for the airport to go to Eastern China and guess what? I am looking forward to coming back to Beijing asap. Like Chew, Beijing is becoming my second home too. My regular gym, regular pool, regular doorman, regular supermart, regular food outings on weekends, regular .... I got to miss all these for a week and I am so reluctant about it.

Whats wrong with me?!

Zhang Zi Yi left her shoes behind? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Xu Jie Ni Hao! (How are you Sista Koh?)

Thats the greeting I get when I step in to The Drum & Bell Cafe located at (no prize for guessing) the courtyard between the Drum and Bell Tower. Can't quite remember whether it was my Taiwanese friend or Welsh friend who first brought there but the place has definitely saw repeated visits by moi. All the friends that matter to me, I have brought them there.

Its great that in a huge city like Beijing, well, at any city for that matter, that you have a place (apart from your own home) that u can 'call your own'. Almost. I like it that there's a familiar bartender who knows your fav drinks. I like it that I can be myself here. I like it that its important the friends that I brought here like it.

The cafe has kept me warm in winter. The breezy weather ensure I had a cool and relax time in spring. I am sure it would bring new experiences for me in Summer and in Autumn.

The cafe is a reflection of my style somewhat. Its relaxed, understated and always surprising. A different corner, different sofa, different companion brings with it a different experience.

Love you, love Beijing in late Spring/early Summer

The rooftop cafe... its like my living room. See.. the bartender even hang his laundry here. Posted by Picasa

Clarissa took this of me. First ray of sunshine over the Bell Tower Cafe. Posted by Picasa

Yasushi having his first Buddha Drink Posted by Picasa