Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Guru Celest...

My guru Celest always have something brilliant (to me at least) to say that just SHUT you up. This day she wrote, whats the point of praying if you continue worrying. Celest, celest, celest, what can I do without your golden words? And you know what? I remember your first day at work in CA...I remember your attire. Its white. We took a double-deck bus to go for lunch. And I didnt talk to you. I was the unfriendly colleague. Ok, I remember scenes...even the most mandate scenes. But such scenes, meaningless they may seem, they 'string' the stories together, our stories.

And I remember another scene. Scene Two Take One. Haha. We were in researchers' room. I told a joke and you laughed till you bent over and had to hold the bookshelf for support. Tears were almost (maybe they did) rolling down. Tell me you remember that!! I haven't seen anyone 'appreciate' my jokes so much.

Oh oh...another scene. I came back from the washroom and went straight to the cubicle. I went, "Hwee Nah quit." and then I burst into tears ... and laughers (shocked to see myself cry) at the same time. You and the rest were shocked to see me in such a 'drama' state. But hey, we were in the TV to be mama drama ya. At that time, Hwee Nah symbolised ALL the big dreams about TV production. And if she goes, it meant (to me) the end of my dream too. I had secretly wanna shoot a movie in my lifetime (I still can I suppose). It was my dream but to me, my dreams are small dreams compared to Nah's.

I have so many memories of you Celest. The next one is a real scene. You acted as mama san in my production. You look fabulous in your Mum's cheong sam. Simply fabulous. You were such a spot. You guys were great to me come to think of it. Even Virginia acted in my production. Haha....How come nobody asked me to act in theirs? huh huh huh.

And these are just 'work' scenes. I have yet to start on the holiday scenes. You arriving ten mins before Yak and I with a HUGE luggage (largest Cambodia has ever seen post-War). You had all your nice heels ready to go....Yak and I sat on the bed in we only have our sneakers with us! Got dress code 'mah'?

Scene 10 Take 10. We felt the earth moved under our feet and guess what? I was all ready to go out but my guru Celest went, "Wait, let me get the insect repellent". Yes, we felt the earth moved under our feet.... bloody earthquake in Bali which we felt in Lombok. You know what? It was the best decision ever.

Remember Ho Chi Minh and all your wares....I couldn't help but stopped working to share in your joy.

If you go before me, your Eulogy's gonna be darn long...and everyone's going to cry and laugh. And please dont crawl out of the coffin. End of the story. Credit roll.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The last 10 days...the long and short of it.

Not in chronological order...

walked around with this burden in my heart

fear and calmness and fear and calmess

lots of prayers

first cell group ever

two friends whom i am grateful to...they may think its a small gesture but it means so much to me. it brought alot of tears.

i am so NOT cut out for 'gar-ment' service. I don't give a shit. Avoidance is the name of the game if I don't like someone...even if he/she' s some big shot.

I am getting sick of hearing the words "I'm TIRED" from someone who starts and ends the day saying it. Oh...and she says it during the day too. Get a life.

I got a new sofa.

I can't find a frying pan which I thought I own but I may not have (own it) after all. Freaking u out? Its freaking out too. Unless frying pans have legs. Unless I'm growing mad. Whatever. I think I know the message behind it.

Beautiful, attractive girls get the dates, the favors, the special touch.

Tendency is to 'forget' your parents when u hv your children.

Some people have it easy. Some hard.

Gossiping is a SIN. I will heed the Lord's Word.

At the Orchard...yes, the colors are back... Posted by Picasa

My cute boss and my cute colleague Posted by Picasa

And the story begins... Posted by Picasa

I tell you huh...long long time away Posted by Picasa

Whose whose? Posted by Picasa

Hi! Posted by Picasa

Hi! Posted by Picasa

It was ALL about him. Posted by Picasa

Check out the mops... Posted by Picasa

The Durian King at work... Posted by Picasa

Gently ply open... Posted by Picasa

AH... Posted by Picasa

Yummy Queen..and King Posted by Picasa

I love this vegetarian restaurant. Check out the leaves... Posted by Picasa

Yes, its HUGE! Posted by Picasa

I just LOVE Lotus! Posted by Picasa

Birthday Sunflowers for me... Posted by Picasa

Birthday lilies for me... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Only 18 La... Posted by Picasa

Give me a break Posted by Picasa

Oh no... Posted by Picasa

Yes, u can't have your cake and eat it Posted by Picasa

Scot and his hokkien poem Posted by Picasa

Miss Deny Me Posted by Picasa

Miss Capital Land Posted by Picasa