Sunday, September 24, 2006

The last 10 days...the long and short of it.

Not in chronological order...

walked around with this burden in my heart

fear and calmness and fear and calmess

lots of prayers

first cell group ever

two friends whom i am grateful to...they may think its a small gesture but it means so much to me. it brought alot of tears.

i am so NOT cut out for 'gar-ment' service. I don't give a shit. Avoidance is the name of the game if I don't like someone...even if he/she' s some big shot.

I am getting sick of hearing the words "I'm TIRED" from someone who starts and ends the day saying it. Oh...and she says it during the day too. Get a life.

I got a new sofa.

I can't find a frying pan which I thought I own but I may not have (own it) after all. Freaking u out? Its freaking out too. Unless frying pans have legs. Unless I'm growing mad. Whatever. I think I know the message behind it.

Beautiful, attractive girls get the dates, the favors, the special touch.

Tendency is to 'forget' your parents when u hv your children.

Some people have it easy. Some hard.

Gossiping is a SIN. I will heed the Lord's Word.

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