Sunday, October 15, 2006

Thought(s) for the week

U know u r making sense in China when the angmo guy u r talking to, turned and asked, "So how old are you Beng?"

U worry about yr mum and then prayed and then you don't worry no more. And then, u think u become complacent and u start to think, maybe u should worry? Her test n jab is this Tuesday. And u start to worry ...coz she sounded so down and looked tired. Then u asked yourself, when is all these going to end? What is life? Why do have to go through different pain at different stages of our lives? U suddenly realised in the last few months, U had no heartache. Coz u were pre-occupied with Mum's health issues. Ha Ha.

Malaysians are really HILARIOUS pp to hang out with. At least those in Beijing. They all have Phd in Hokkien it seems. Even my Singaporean friend Jo's only a Masters in Hokkien. As for me, lately I have obtained my BA in Hokkien. Thanks to the gals.


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you, Jo!

orangeclouds said...

hahaha. well as you know my hokkien fail.

yeah seems like we always need smth to worry about. the more pressing the issue, the other worries get bumped down the line.

Anonymous said...

Prof Chew Seen Kong will be proud of you :)

Remember Cath's incident in Pulau Ubin when you were all fresh researchers???? Her attempt to strike up a conversation with the elderly prawn farmer was so hilarious I bet even our "MP" friend would attest to!

"Ah peh li jin hiong" as oppose to "Ah peh li jin yiong"!
