Saturday, April 07, 2007

A New Church is BORNED right at my doorstep...and on Easter Sunday too!

This is one of the darkest week of my life. But as with all dark moments, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. The regular church that I attend here in Beijing - the BICF (Beijing International Church Fellowship) starts a new 'church' right in the condominium where I reside. And the first service (today) is on Easter Sunday. The day Christ was risen from his death at the Cross.

Its SO exciting to be part of the 'birth' of a new Church. Small but I am sure the numbers will grow. I like that the 'motto' of the Church is to reach out to the unchurched. Its so in line with what Clare and I have started to pray for recently and what we have committed ourselves to. To reach out to the non-christian friends amongst us.

Was prayed for and also made some new friends.

Wish I can pray a bigger role in this new Church but my days here are likely to be numbered. I am not ready to leave Beijing, the city where I embraced the Lord, where I had my first regular regular church and where I had my first cell group. Its been a amazing journey which had just started.

But I would leave it to the Lord to lead me to whether he wants to lead me too. I plead for his strength to see me through the days ahead.

At the meantime, its just AWESOME that I have a church service right where I stay. I will never forget this day.


lisachua said...

blessed easter! yes, as you say, trust in Him. He knew us before we were created; His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways.

you just need to love the people you love, say a little prayer, and leave the rest to God.

Anonymous said...

From Azalea who is leaving Formosa in 3 weeks time to Mysteries Of Life who is leaving the Forbidden City in 3 months time: The fact that God has led us to trust in him in a foreign land shows how much He loves us and He is too good to let us stay where we are. Everything is in God's timing.