Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I am but the same 18 year old college girl...

Almost 2/3 of my life is gone YET I am still the pony tailed ACJC girl, a free spirit, still searching, still yearning for new experiences, still bored....

One day in school, looking at the empty school field in ACJC, I wrote down how I felt that day. How Lost I am. How Aimless I am. How I dont know whats ahead.

I kept the note. And more than a decade later (and almost 2 decades soon) , I digged it out, read it and realised that I FEEL the SAME WAY.

Friends have married, some married and divorced, some have kids, some have died...and I am still the SAME. Still feeling the same way, still wanting the same things (or do I want anything?) and still not getting them.

I am looking out of my office window in Beijing whilst writing this now. Should I be surprised that 20 years down the road when I re-read this article, I would FEEL the SAME WAY?

Totally NOT related Message:
Feels totally strange not to be able to 'see' my blog yet able to upload articles, pixs etc. Longest ban by the Chinese censor rats thus far.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Eat, Sleep, Grow Fat and Die.

Boy, am I bored.

First time in two years, I am so free I am half way through an English novel and a Chinese book within one work week.

I even cropped my hair to just below my jawline; the last time I did that was when I was 15 years old.

I also found time to work on what I was sent here for. And I finished it in half a day.
