Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I am but the same 18 year old college girl...

Almost 2/3 of my life is gone YET I am still the pony tailed ACJC girl, a free spirit, still searching, still yearning for new experiences, still bored....

One day in school, looking at the empty school field in ACJC, I wrote down how I felt that day. How Lost I am. How Aimless I am. How I dont know whats ahead.

I kept the note. And more than a decade later (and almost 2 decades soon) , I digged it out, read it and realised that I FEEL the SAME WAY.

Friends have married, some married and divorced, some have kids, some have died...and I am still the SAME. Still feeling the same way, still wanting the same things (or do I want anything?) and still not getting them.

I am looking out of my office window in Beijing whilst writing this now. Should I be surprised that 20 years down the road when I re-read this article, I would FEEL the SAME WAY?

Totally NOT related Message:
Feels totally strange not to be able to 'see' my blog yet able to upload articles, pixs etc. Longest ban by the Chinese censor rats thus far.

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