Wednesday, August 01, 2007

It can only get worse...better poohahahhahaha

When do I know I had to quit my job/change of job scope?

When I applied soap on my body repeatedly in the shower...

Then it got worse...

When I applied shampoo twice on my hair...I was prolonging the time in the shower....


When I applied my bust cream on my thighs....that was IT. I had to go....the bust cream cost a bomb! I had to be really out of my mind to use it on my thighs! I knew how 'serious' the situation was by then. Ha ha haha.

When do I know the 'beginning' of the scenario above is creeping in?

When I start telling outsiders my most truthful thoughts whilst my boss is in the same meeting and he does not agree with me.

When I forget to lock my door and slept through the night...

When I kept pressing the lift button indicating 27th floor (thats where my apartment is) on my way to work...when I should press Ground floor...

Poohahahahaha. Watch this space.

1 comment:

noz said...

I can jso imagine how you feel. was there....