Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Clarissa Oon...Thanks for all the good times!

These would be etched in my heart....

Us discovering we can see each other's apartment and each other (if we want to) from our respective windows. Me opening my window, waved and shouted your name at 1 am.

Us chatting and more chatting about the men (or lack of) situation in Beijing, in Singapore...in our lives.

Us choosing and re-choosing each other presents for our birthday(s), for Christmas.

Us going thru the magazines and our long sessions on the ideal short hair-do for me (which I eventually cropped my hair, thanks to u...)

Us (ok me) laughing and creating jokes out of your Queen's English.

Us (ok me me) laughing at your delayed and sometimes super delayed (err...the record is one nite?) reaction to most things.

Us waiting for each other at 1115 hrs every Sunday to go to Church.

And of course all our bible study and prayer sessions.

And oh our trip to Harbin...how we stripped off our clothes ... to our undies... within seconds of entering the hotel room and nope, we were not into each other!!

And the parties at your place and the ones we went to...

Oh and much much more. When I think of Central Park, I would think of you. When I think of my life in Beijing, I would think of you.

Thanks for the lovely time.

Thank GOD for you.

1 comment:

orangeclouds said...

wow. I realise from your round-up that we are able to go on and on about the same things (i.e. men, hair and God). Never get tired hor? ;)

take care my dear friend and see ya in Spore