Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Hoax....Chinese style

We were interested to pluck...fruits.

We were recommended a website :

We called up and they said yes, there are peaches, pears etc to be plucked. But no, no apple. Not in July.

We drove there. Along the way, many phone calls were made and directions given.

We went up and down a few valleys.

We were told to wait at a designated car park.

We followed a car...thinking it would lead us to a orchard filled with fruits...all ready to be plucked.

After 2 hours or so, we arrived at THE place. Not a single fruit was in sight. Not even fake fruits. U know those plastic ones that are used for decoration. Nope. None of these.

We were brought to a restaurant.

Yes, this is a website to lure Beijing residents to a restaurant two hours away from the city and one whereby when you realised you were fooled, you were too hungry and tired not to eat like a horse there.

Way to go!

1 comment:

quierotango said...

ingenious! that explains the amazingly rapid pace of china's commercialization