Sunday, February 26, 2006

No one can 'bluff' you..

An industry member, Mr A commented in Chinese that "XXX is the type of girl that guys can easily 'bluff'. Unlike you". I smiled. I am not sure if thats meant to be a compliment or ?? What will he think if he ever know the real me, the real Miss Koh? That behind that tough, assertive and confident lady is a girl that has been repeatedly 'bluffed' :-)

One's ability at work does not equal one's ability in dealing with one's private or family life. U may be a champion at work but a loser otherwise, or vice-versa. A woman will always remain a girl at heart, no matter how tough she may be or she appears to be, at work. And really, deep down inside, every woman longs to 'bluffed'.

Its not so difficult to 'bluff' me. Its much easier that you think. Unfortunately.



lisachua said...

sigh.. we are such contradicting beings. want to be bluffed, need to know the truth, desire honesty, afraid to be hurt. i dun know what i want anymore =_=

quierotango said...

honey, i don't think you're easy to bluff at all. i think you're just willing to be vulnerable and to take a chance on many things. that is a good thing. think of all the great discoveries you might have missed had you not delved into the unknown.