Friday, May 26, 2006

My Mother always say "We can't say it, once we say it, sure kenna (something negative)"

Yes. Again she has been proven right! A few days after I have posted the article about me being happier here and today, I am hit with a bout of mild depression. Yes, I am motivated at work again but its been 10 months, I will get bored soon. And there are signs already. And and and, so what if I am motivated? Its only work and its not my priority.

I need a change. I need something different.


Should have listened to my Mum, one of two gurus I know. The other being my good pal, Celest.

We will we will ROCK YOU!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Retreat. Reflect - On Top of the World

Between heaven and earth where clouds play with mountains and rivers dance to a rhythm of their own. Lies the historic homeland of Tibetan nomads once experienced only through the classic James Hilton novel, Lost Horizon. This mountainous area in China's Yunnan province has been designated the official Shangri-La and is one of the most secluded higheways in the world.

In this remote ranging wilderness stands Banyan Tree. Hovering over 3,200 metres, the weathered Tibetan homes witnessed the cycles of the seasons. The authentic decades-old farmhouses have been meticulously chosen and relocated log by log, to reside in the new world of Banyan Tree Ringha.

Mountain peaks touched by the clouds, endless valleys, mystical plateaus and the most tranquil of lakes, each season has its unique charm.

Carved by Nature, blessed by Heavens, this ancient holy site offers a journey of pure discovery. Here, you will catch a rare glimpse of a distant world, a way of life unchanged for thousands of years.

By Banyan Tree Ringha

This is where I realised that life can be calm, peaceful and relaxing. Posted by Picasa

The first sight that greeted us. Posted by Picasa

Flower my kind of romantic holiday Posted by Picasa

Red, black, rose, ash tray. I LOVE this place already Posted by Picasa

Got to be this villa ya? Posted by Picasa

This door? Posted by Picasa

Mm... Posted by Picasa

or this door? Posted by Picasa

Can I enter? Posted by Picasa

Welcome... Posted by Picasa

This is it, traditional duplex Posted by Picasa

Welcome to our humble abode Posted by Picasa

The bedroom in totality Posted by Picasa

Tic Tag Toe? Posted by Picasa

Cool yet traditional wire place Posted by Picasa

Take a rest? Posted by Picasa

Tibetan sink Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hot Bath anyone? Posted by Picasa

I am Ready to Fall in LOVE again...

If only there's a button I can press and viola, I would be in love once again. Why? Because I am SO ready to fall in love, thats why.

And being in Beijing now is just the right place and time to fall in love. There are so many places to explore, so many restaurants and cafes to pig out, so many different seasons to experience together, so many art galleries to get lost in and so many weekends to hang out.

And one empty place to go back to, anytime, all the time.

It would be pity if I don't fall in love whilst I am in Beijing.

Sniff sniff.....where is LOVE?

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Benny, the tall & handsome restaurant manager that hails from Dalian (and Germany). I thought he's one hell of an eye candy. Another time, another place, another Beng and I would have stayed on in Shangrila. Posted by Picasa

I love the clean lines of this... Posted by Picasa

and this. Posted by Picasa

So BrokeBack isn't? Posted by Picasa

The TV needs a rest too u know. Posted by Picasa

Behind-the-scene of a fashion shoot. Stand here, yes, here.. Posted by Picasa

The longest see saw I have ever seen! Posted by Picasa