Saturday, June 17, 2006

I ENJOY being a WOMAN in this city!

For the simple reason that I can make 'different' fashion statements each season! Oh! You can't imagine how I am enjoying this city of four seasons.

This is the season for ..... DRESSES! So many pretty frocks to choose from. I am spoilt for choices. And they come in all designs and styles here. A-line, baby doll, huge pretty floral print, sweety small floral print...u name it, they have it here.

And ... somehow this city 'allows' a woman to be one. It 'allows' women to display our feminity, be it through our dresses, our accessories, our mannerisms. A woman CAN be a woman here.

In Singapore, women dress like men, behave like men, speak like men. Its an a-sexual society. Beijing to me, is different. It embraces both menhood and womenhood.

I am a woman and enjoying it.

1 comment:

quierotango said...

i do not live in singapore but i beg to differ!!!! i do not think singapore is a-sexual. women in singapore do not all dress like men! they have pretty clothes too.