Sunday, June 04, 2006

Xu Jie Ni Hao! (How are you Sista Koh?)

Thats the greeting I get when I step in to The Drum & Bell Cafe located at (no prize for guessing) the courtyard between the Drum and Bell Tower. Can't quite remember whether it was my Taiwanese friend or Welsh friend who first brought there but the place has definitely saw repeated visits by moi. All the friends that matter to me, I have brought them there.

Its great that in a huge city like Beijing, well, at any city for that matter, that you have a place (apart from your own home) that u can 'call your own'. Almost. I like it that there's a familiar bartender who knows your fav drinks. I like it that I can be myself here. I like it that its important the friends that I brought here like it.

The cafe has kept me warm in winter. The breezy weather ensure I had a cool and relax time in spring. I am sure it would bring new experiences for me in Summer and in Autumn.

The cafe is a reflection of my style somewhat. Its relaxed, understated and always surprising. A different corner, different sofa, different companion brings with it a different experience.

Love you, love Beijing in late Spring/early Summer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.