The ex-Television Producer cum Scriptwriter cum Director in me had it all planned out. The article would be out on 22 August. The article would be on how my Mum would be healed on that day when she go for her haemoglobin test. And it would be about how, after 20 years of 'struggle', I became a Christian FINALLY (Praise the LORD) in July. About how I think the Lord has planned it this way so that I would finally accept him in my life. I even thought of writing the article before hand (like how the Oscar winners would have predicted their win and hence wrote the thank you note). But I was not sure...what if my mum was not healed. What if her haemoglobin dropped....what IF??
Her haemoglobin did drop and the ‘victory’ article did not quite make it to Instead what u saw was the article below.
But hey, life is about faith, about love, about the Lord. Life is about Miracles.
Miracle One – I accepted the Lord as my Savior. It has indeed been 20 years of ‘struggle’. The bible I am holding now was the very first bible I had since I was in Saint Theresa’s Convent. And in it, there’s a book mark with a 1985 calendar. Yes, its been THAT long. The Lord has waited for me for THAT long. My Best Friend from Uni said, that’s the most shocking thing that she had heard (even surpass my Mum’s situation). Me, the skeptical girl. Me, the girl who needs to know A to Z before believing…actually believe in the Lord now. Yes, I do. And guess what? Everything just fell into place. Indeed, I had so many queries about Christianity (I still do but in a different way. I am hungry to know more about the Lord and his word) and I just couldn’t accept it wholeheartedly. I needed my queries answered. My Christian friends used to tell me, “Beng, You just got to believe in it!”. And they are RIGHT. I believe, I accept and everything just fall in place (To my Muslim friends out there…this is not about one religion over another k…and I still love you all, you know that. Just like I love my Muslim Brother, niece, nephew, sister-in-law and her family).
Miracle Two – My dear Mum accepted the Lord as her Savior. Oh my gosh. Yes, she did. First she allowed me to pray with her and for her. Then she accepted my invitation to Miracle Service, Lighthouse Evangelism Tampines. It was as if the Lord God was laying the red carpet for her. The taxi brought us right to the door step of Lighthouse. No fuss (unlike previous times when I went and we, driver and I couldn’t find the place) at all. Strangers welcomed her (ok its like all other churches but look, Mum is new to this). She sang the hymns with risen hands (yes, I used to be shy about raising my hands but not my Mum). When asked if there were any member new to the Church, she was one of the first to raise her hands (yes, me at Church of Savior never ever raised my hand to admit I was new to the Church). When asked if she wants to accept Christ by the Lighthouse Gospel Lighter, she did not say no. Instead, when the Gospel Lighter led her, she went ahead with her, to the front of the rostum. She accepted Christ as her Savior. I asked her later if she knows what she was up there for (yes, me the skeptical daughter) and she said, Yes.
Objectively she may not comprehend everything but I know she knows what it means to believe in the Lord. And I know she believes.
As a new Christian myself, I taught her how to pray and what to say, in Mandarin. Though slow, she did what she was told. I told her, she has to pray, she has to say the healing prayer. Most importantly, I told her she has to BELIEVE.
How did it all started? The turning point I believe was when I told Mum that hey, I am a Christian now and I will be going to Heaven when I pass…but I won’t see you there since you are not a Christian. And Mum, I wanna see you in Heaven. I wanna eat your Chilli.
I told Mum that when she’s healed, we are going to go on the stage, in front of Pastor Rony to thank the Lord and to encourage all to trust in the goodness of our Lord, Almightly. And my Mum, a shy person, nodded and said, ok. And then I said, you have to witness to all the Aunties and Ah Sohs at the newspaper stand about the power of our Lord as I promised him, she would. My Mum, the non-talkative and sceptical Auntie, said ok. She would.
I love the Lord and I love my Mum. I trust the Lord. I believe he has a role for me to play. I believe he has a role for my mum.
My mum will have her blood test on 19 September. Thereafter, we would go up to the stage to thank the Lord for healing her. And then her work and my work, will begin.
I believe in Miracles. I believe in the Lord’s power and love.
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beng, all i can manage, after reading this entry, is that the Lord is faithful. even to this day, i wonder why God would bother with someone like me, and why He would love me so much as to send His son to die for me. But such is the love of God - too big for us to understand, real nonetheless. i am so happy, so thankful to the good lord for what He has done in your life, for what He has chosen to do, in His power, to reveal His grace, and His great love to you and to your mom. i pray that you will see everyday fresh revelations of His love for you, His child. this is one of my favorite passages in the bible. it reminds me of how solid God's love is for us.
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." romans 8:38-39
sista.... I still love you lah. DOnch worry. Friends remain and never can end...Find your peace...
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