Wednesday, November 22, 2006

fear and FAITH

Funny how these two 'short and simple' words starting with 'F' can be SO different yet inter-related.

My Mum's haemogloblin level showed a drop to the borderline last week. I called this morning and she said she felt giddy last two days. Yet she resisted the idea of going to the doctor.

I can't describe the fear in me. The helplessnes and desperation I feel. I couldn't even concentrate on my prayers the past few days. I wish so much that I don't have this burden. I also wish I have a sister or a husband to 'half' this 'worry' with me.

Sometimes I feel so weak I thought I can't walk. Sometimes I have cold sweat.

I use to enjoy going home for visit but now I fear what I will face tomorrow when I get back to Singapore. Yet, I know I have to be strong. The Lord will not make us 'carry' burdens we can't handle.

Its too heavy for me Lord. I am surrendering it to you. Carry it for me.

In YOUR name, everything will be fine.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

I took a peep... Posted by Picasa

Woa... Posted by Picasa

Inviting Posted by Picasa

So tempting Posted by Picasa

Homes perched on the cliff Posted by Picasa

HellO! Posted by Picasa

Ooh...whats that? Posted by Picasa

Splash Posted by Picasa

Somewhere ... over the rainbow... Posted by Picasa

Angel over my head Posted by Picasa

AH.... Posted by Picasa

The beauty of nature Posted by Picasa

How about weight limit? Posted by Picasa

Play or Shake What exactly?! Hmm... Posted by Picasa

My boss very 'free' huh Posted by Picasa

Mood shot taken by my boss...not bad huh his photography skills.  Posted by Picasa

The designer put a lot of thought into the design of the railings Posted by Picasa

Together or Separate? Posted by Picasa

Me in an ancient town in Guiyang, Guizhou Posted by Picasa

Life came to a standstill Posted by Picasa

... Posted by Picasa

Peace and Tranquility Posted by Picasa

Oohmmm... Posted by Picasa

Up Up and Away... Posted by Picasa

Far from the the world of emails Posted by Picasa