Saturday, November 04, 2006

What do I wanna do? What do I wanna wanna do?

I was just thinking last week...what would I really wanna do if I can do anything I want?

My answer : I would really want to take 10 days off and do nothing but READ. Yes, read all the non-fiction books I have in my bookshelf, read the Bible and all the Christian books I have on my bedside table, read all the fashion magazines on my sofa, read all the Chinese books that are everywhere and somewhere around my apartment. But the reality is, I DO read.....I read my emails, day and nite, 24 seven. Its never email after another, one project after another. But I can't complain. I enjoy what I am doing. This is closest to TV production (far from it but closest) since I left TCS.

Its a jet-setting life this month. I am in Taipei this week, Chengdu and Guizhou next, Shanghai the week after, and SIN month-end.

Where's the time to READ?


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