Wednesday, November 22, 2006

fear and FAITH

Funny how these two 'short and simple' words starting with 'F' can be SO different yet inter-related.

My Mum's haemogloblin level showed a drop to the borderline last week. I called this morning and she said she felt giddy last two days. Yet she resisted the idea of going to the doctor.

I can't describe the fear in me. The helplessnes and desperation I feel. I couldn't even concentrate on my prayers the past few days. I wish so much that I don't have this burden. I also wish I have a sister or a husband to 'half' this 'worry' with me.

Sometimes I feel so weak I thought I can't walk. Sometimes I have cold sweat.

I use to enjoy going home for visit but now I fear what I will face tomorrow when I get back to Singapore. Yet, I know I have to be strong. The Lord will not make us 'carry' burdens we can't handle.

Its too heavy for me Lord. I am surrendering it to you. Carry it for me.

In YOUR name, everything will be fine.


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