Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Do U see darkness or do you see LIGHT?

Its all about your state of mind

18 years ago I was made an Aunt thanks to my 3rd Brother. 18 years later, I am still a proud Aunt. Presenting Koh Susanti...

Once Upon a Time...

I was reading The Straits Times and I came across an article on how a said government agency was embarking on a rather uphill task of revitalising Chinatown.

Bingo. I love Chinatown. I speak Cantonese. I am good with old folks. And the thought of leaving behind a legacy (of sorts...for me at least) for generations to come (alas...none would be mine)...SO my cup of tea.

I applied directly to the division-in-charge of this mega project and managed to convince the 'gar-ment' people of my great love and great capability. I got the job.

Apart from TCS, this was my next most fulfilling job.

Chinatown Business Association, the street signs, the street lamps, the storyboards, the bollards, the directional signs...they hold a special position in my heart.

They will always be MY street signs and MY storyboards.

Am I facing the right direction(s)?

Beng made sure I am Uniquely Chinatown

Not everyone has the chance to dress up her fav street...I did.

Beng made sure I am presentable for the Temple

Help Beng! I was not made to carry these weight. Didn't you tell the stakeholders before u leave for Beijing?

See the lights right on top of the pillars? I initiated the discussion to lower its intensity to avoid 'blinding' the pedestrians

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I believe not all the photos you see in ST are for real...some are staged. See for yourself...

Maxwell Police Station officers raided Geylang Lorong 42 last evening. Two of the girls caught were from Central Park.They claimed they were innocent

Huh...Chinese papers also want to cover this story?

We made it to Shin Min Daily too!

Hello! This is for the 1970 Fashion Spread, Not 1980!! U first time model is it?!

Ok k...I put my hands like that is it?

Obviously NOT like that! Heloo!! This is NOT for the police file ok. All these new models!!! Argh!

She finally made it to Page 69 of Her World Magazine January Edition, 1970

Lunar New Year's around the corner. Time for the 'fake' boyfriend, girlfriend & family shots.All for the kaypoh relatives back home. We need props...

Tars and Baby

Me and Tars

Eve and Tars

Tars and Cheng even went for FAMILY shot! What a sweet family they made. At least two sets of old folks gonna be so happy!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Its NOT anyone's fault that he or she is OLDER.

I was very disturbed by two comments made by two people in recent months. And these are two people that mean alot to me.

One was a family member. He said he didn't want his two daughters, aged 7 and 9 to hang out with this particular group of ladies from church. Reason? This group of ladies are in their 40s, not married and hang out in church most of the time. He doesn't want his daughters to end up like them.
  • And what crime did these women commit to deserve this 'treatment'?
  • And how on earth would knowing these women result in the 2 girls being single eventually?
  • And what exactly is wrong with that? I'm sure some of them didn't choose to be single. And for all you know, some CHOSE to be single. Point is, why can't they be single and be treated/seen as being normal?

The next comment was made by a close colleague. He said he would never allow his son (he's not even borned yet) to marry nor see an older woman. Reason? A man should marry a woman thats younger than him. Period.

  • And what kind of conservative, senseless notion this is?
  • And how could an educated young man bear such a ridiculous, illogical perception/thought?

Its ALL about age isn't it? From getting the right mix for parties to introduction to guys to joining of cell group (YES! :->), one is constantly being reminded that one is of a certain age group so one may not fit in to this party or be suitable for this dude.

Very often I hear remarks such as,"SO N SO won't consider so-and-so because SO N SO prefer younger girls. I think I would introduce Girl X to SO N SO instead" So, even if so-and-so is fun, witty and hilarious, it doesn't matter coz she's OLDER. JUST because.... Has it ever occur to anyone that Girl X is less funny, less witty and less hilarious?". Ah, I see it doesn't matter. As long as she's younger.

Its sad but I can understand why Age plays a significant role in certain circumstances. eg. People of a certain age would have experienced or gone through certain challenges or what have you in life and therefore are better able to click with one another. They speak the same lingo perhaps.

The last guy I dated was 6 years younger. He never quite knew I was older. He never asked and it never matter to both of us. We had a great time together while it lasted. Age was never an issue. I found him Cool and I reckon he found me Cool too. That was all that matters.

Age as a yardstick is over-rated, over-used (and sometimes abused) in many circumstances. U know, IF there comes a day where being COOL is THE new quotient, alot of people are SO NOT going to make it. And it doesn't matter if he or she is younger.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Choices for Some, None for the rest...

Should I go or should I stay? BIG Question...No answer.

Should I message or should I not? Small Question....Answer is NO.

Are Decisions Conclusions too? Or are they just the beginnings? Beginning of what? Beginning of what IF?

Only the LORD knows.