Saturday, May 19, 2007

Once upon a time, I counted the no of countries I have visited. Today, I counted the number of cities I have visited in PRC.

By region, province, cities...

Russian North : HeiJongJiang - Harbin

Outback North : Inner Mongolia - Xilinhot

Korean North :
Jilin - Changchun
Liaoning - Shenyang & Dalian

Imperial North - Beijing - of course. my place of residence for the last 22 months.

South :
Fujian - Xiamen, Quanzhou, Fuzhou
Guangdong - Guangzhou, Shenzhen
Guangxi - Guilin, Yangshuo

East :
Jiangsu - Suzhou, Zhouzhuang
Zhejiang - Hangzhou

West :
Sichuan - Chengdu, Leshan, Ermeishan, Jiuzhaigou (passed by cowboy town Songpan but lets not count that in, just a town but boy did it leave an impression!)
Shaanxi - Xian
Guizhou - Guiyang

Pakistani West :
Gansu - Dunhuang
Xinjiang - Turpan, Urumqi

Burmese West :
Yunnan - Kunming, Xishuangbanna, Dali, Lijiang, Zhongdian (aka Shangrila)

33 cities. 2 or 3 new ones to add to the list by end June perhaps.

Time to leave perhaps?! I need my dosage of angmo-ness and ANGMO MEN!

1 comment:

lisachua said...

wah.. so many places. i want to go to all the places you've been to, too. but.. our time is not ours to decide :( He decides :))