Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A holiday to end his 5 year stay in China and I was invited!

It was to be his last few weeks in China. He was going home (Almost. Except that he would be spending 6 months in the States). We talked about a holiday together some six months back. Didn't expect it to 'arrive' so soon. We agreed on the cities and he planned the holiday.

As with my last ten months in Beijing, our holiday was filled with laughters, every other minute. Maybe its him, maybe its me. Maybe its the combination of us. We just find it so easy to crack up over the smallest thing. Could be a scent, a word, an action. Anything could make us roar with laughters.

Dunhuang, Turpan, Urumuqi, the train ride, the meals, the car rides etc etc. were great experiences I would never forget. The cities we visited were what I envisioned and more.

And to my best friend in Beijing : Thanks for a wonderful holiday. Thanks for the wonderful ten months.

Till we meet again. And we will.

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