Thursday, May 11, 2006

Never ending Farewell(s)...

It started five years ago in Singapore. before he left for China. I remember it was two weeks worth of farewell dinners for Chewy Chew. Me and another gf, Tsui were invited/involved in almost all of them. Somehow, different sets of colleagues just ended up inviting me and Tsui along. We felt like 'dustbins' although Chewy Chew preferred to say that we girls are very popular thats why. I don't disagree with him. Hee hee.

Anyway, five years later and I found myself invited/involved in almost all of his farewell luncheons and dinners all over again. And this being China, it included Karaoke(s) as well.

Those of u who know me, know that I don't sing! Not in public at least. But those of u who know me know that I dance of course! Or try too at least. Haha.

Anyway, whatever that makes my best friend's farewell a good one...I would do it.

'I will follow you...follow you whenever you may go...'

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