Monday, March 12, 2007

"Nothing is forever, NOW is FOREVER"

Aptly Only One.

I don't know how long I would be out here in Beijing. Together with Mum's life, I have surrendered mine to the Lord. Leaving it to HIM to plan and see me through.

With that I am living my life as if I would be gone tomorrow. And anything I do, whether at work or with friends or even just chilling out in my Beijing apartment is a joy. There are no more what IFs. I only live for NOW.

And I am thankful to him for NOW (which equates FOREVER)

Thanks to Oclouds who said,"The Lord's mercies are new each day."

So I wake up praying for a healthy, peaceful and happy day and I go to bed thanking him for granting me 'that' day. Whatever 'that' day turns out to be. Coz, without HIM, I may not have 'that' day.

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