Wednesday, May 23, 2007

'Trophies' in various stages of my life

Coloring Exercise @ Kindergarten
We were tasked to color the figure of a dog. Everyone colored it black or brown. Me turned it into a dalmatian. It became a show piece in the billboard at the back of the classroom.

School Exams @ Primary Three
I was the top student not just in class but of the whole cohort. I was given a big storybook which I kept till today.

Chinese Story Telling Competitions @ Primary Four, Five, Six
Not once, not twice, but thrice winner of various Story Telling Competition (English too). Dad wanted to custom make a cupboard to display my medals.

Overall Performance @ Primary Six
I was the Best Performance Student of the year. I had excelled in schoolwork, sports and story telling competitions. The trophy was half my size.

Sports Performance @ College
Represented my college in canoeing and dragonboating. Won a bronze in the nationwide long distance double canoeing school competition. I have never been up so early, trained so hard and put in so much effort for anything till then. I was given the schools' Color Awards for Excellence in Sports.

Tour Guide Course @ 18
I was the youngest and the only one with no travel agency or guiding experience to make it to the Tour Guide Course. I had innocently, truthfully and bravely told the interview panel of 5 old folkies that I LOVE MY COUNTRY.

TV Production @ Work
My TV programme "Change of Heart" was selected for entry to an European Short Film Competition and was played at the Eiffel Tower. more trophies thereafter?!


lisachua said...

woa never realise your talent. no wonder you can talk so well, story-telling eh. :)

more trophies.. waiting for us in heaven.. yay!

quierotango said...

Next trophy: the crown of life - the ultimate reward!! (james 1:12)