Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Blogging and fans...

I never quite realised it but I have a bunch of friends out there...yes, you, You and YOU...who are my regular blog readers.

At least three of you commented that I have not updated my blog when I saw you last week. I have no access to the mail whenever I am home in SIN SO I felt almost obliged to run to the nearest Internet Cafe and update my blog. U made me feel like a columnist. Thank you.

I started the blog three years ago as I embarked on my (then) new journey in Beijing. And now, I am embarking on the last stretch of my journey here.

The first day at work as I walked from the serviced apartment where I put up temporaily, stopped at Starbucks, messaged my pal Kai telling him I was embarking on my first day as an expatriate in Beijing, and then I headed for the (ex) office building.....the walk...its still very much etched in my mind. It seems like yesterday. Really. Just yesterday.

But this 'yesterday' was three years ago. And I am no longer the same me. I thought one's personality would 'stop' evolving post-teens but I guess I am wrong. Circumstances, experiences...can change, can mould anyone; regardless of age or gender.

I only wish that time can stand still...its slipping out of my hands too fast.

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