Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Characterless Character. What a Character. No!

She took a bottle of hair toxins from someone just because that someone was giving it to her other colleagues who are losing hair. She has lush black hair.

A colleague had to exlain to her he was installing a virus scanner on my laptop because my laptop was dying. There was a "I also want it for my laptop" expression on her face even though her laptop is perfectly fine.

Two colleagues passed me a stack of Chinese Gossip Magazines as I asked for them. She saw it and asked me to pass to her when I am done. She who does not even speak proper Chinese. She who does not even know know a Taiwanese artiste from a HK Taiwanese artiste from a Mainland Chinese artiste.

I once told her I went to XX for holidays. The next thing I know, she was planning a trip there.

I once told her I enjoyed going to XX restaurant/pub to chill out. The next thing I know, she told everyone she loves the place and often goes there.

I once raised my voice over my local staff. The next thing I know her staff told me she the meek sweety pie raised her voice at her staff for no good reason.

Someone asked her about me recently. She commented that I do not keep her in the loop of things.

It's true. I don't. I don't want to see her living out MY LIFE...a split second after me.


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