Friday, May 16, 2008

Confirmed. My country is lack of talent.

I lost faith in my country twice. The first time was when the girl (somewhat dubious character) who used to sit next to me in the office became a rep of the garment. Yes, she became what is commonly known as the M of the P.

The second time is now. And I thought it would be in 2009. Dir-to-be-2009 is to be Dir-May-2008. Not of dubious character this time. Its worse perhaps? This is because we are talking about someone with no character.

Reminds me of my fav book PERFUME. The perfumerie has no scent of his own. He had to kill someone in order to steal her scent for his own.

The garment didn't get my vote after my colleague became a backbencher in the new garment house.

My 9 year old relationship with my company starts to fade slowly but surely from today.

I fear for the future of my country.

But my holiday begins today.


1 comment:

lisachua said...

i know who dir-to-be is now :) and i can so totally agree wih you - the company is lack of talent, confirmed :p