Tuesday, March 06, 2007

These bring tears to my eyes...and turn me to the Lord further.

Mum's haemoglobin level dropped. It can't drop any further. In Jesus's name, we rebuke and reject this reading.

Colleague's father-in-law likely to suffer from nose cancer. She asked me when this whole ordeal will end. I said it may be a long journey but she won't be alone as the Lord will be with them.

Ex-colleague's mum's doctor at wits end as the 'last' anti-botics for her one surviving lung is causing her gastrics pain. I encouraged her to bring her mum for Miracle Service.

Ex-colleague's dad's doctor suspects he may be down with lung cancer. I messaged her to pray.

Colleague's neck bone is giving her alot of problems and she has to see a specialist for treatment. I messaged her saying I will pray for her.

I still don't know the Lord's plans for me. To stay or to go. Every day is so precious to me. Its as if I'm one day closer to my death. Which is the case, isn't it? :-)

I believe in HIM.


Me said...

He'll stand by you.
We'll stand by you.
You'll never walk alone.

Anonymous said...

Am listening to the Xmas CD now

lisachua said...

will keep praying. trust His perfect will.

lisachua said...

and.. every day is not one day closer to death, it's one day closer to eternity..

Anonymous said...

yeah. what only one said at 12.05 am is especially true.
~ orangeclouds

Anonymous said...

I question not God's means or ways,
Or how He uses time or days,
To answer every call or prayer -
I know He will, somehow, somewhere. - Whitney

God may deny our request but will never disappoint our trust.

Hang on and be strong. Amen.