Thursday, January 11, 2007


U are a LOSER if you don't turn up at her hangout she's turning up that day.

Its YOUR fault that u can't make it when she called you to hang out at her hangout, at the last minute.

U are such a PAIN when you do not like the present she gave you which you know its something she has worn but pretended she had bought it especially for you, brand new.

U are the one in ass mood when all you did was to say gently, "I can't make it such last minute...u should have told me earlier..."

U are termed as being bad with kids as you don't like them as she doesn't like them. Does she know my six nieces and nephews ADORE me and I ADORE them. How about those lovely kids I meet at...

Your life should not be in Beijing but elsewhere as she likes it elsewhere.

I am always the grouchy one. I am always the loser. I am always .... So she thinks. If only she spends time to know herself better. She would in turn know her friends better

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