Monday, January 01, 2007


Was at Bookworm Café in the afternoon of the last day of 2006 in sub-zero and snowy Beijing. It was great to be surrounded by Books once again. And in a rather “Western’ setting too…for a Chinese city that is. Sipping white wine and eating smoked salmon. I felt ‘myself’ once again. The solitude that was so much part of me, of my adult life….I felt it once again, I indulged in it once again. It made me feel like and want to go back to Paris once more. It’s been 10 years. Who can forget Summer 1996. Annecy, Provence, Paris, St Germain, the Lavender, the Wine, the men…

What happened to me in the last 10 years? I forgot myself. I went a different way. A way that I was not supposed to go.

Maybe, just maybe…I will find my way back again.

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